{NEW BOOK} Mania Mysteries: A Grief Journey

Therese Bimka was honored to be included in a new book by Cat Greenstreet that captures meaningful aspects of their therapeutic journey together over several years. Cat is a deep thinker and a spiritually inspired workshop leader and teacher who brings a powerful voice and perspective to the journey of integration and wholeness. As Cat shared about Therese, “the quality of our relationship comes through, your caring, your faithfulness, our trust and doggedness at getting to the bottom of things and blessing them along the way. As people read the book, I hope they will note the importance and value of having an excellent therapist alongside whatever pharmaceutical response may also be necessary.”

Therese responds to Cat: We certainly went on quite a journey together and it was my great honor and privilege to be a steady voice for your essential Self – as you put it… for your highest self.  I never waivered in seeing your radiant core despite the times when “the real Cat” seemed far away.

More on the book from Amazon: Mania Mysteries is a book about a manic episode of a high-functioning 66-year-old professional woman with strong, loving relationships. How and why this happened is part of the mystery. Connecting this psychic upheaval to the loss of her beloved sister, Greenstreet suggests that such eruptions are sometimes crucial for growth and transformation to a healthier integration of self.